Published on Tue, 11 Jul 2023 in NEWS
The RepairCafé again takes place on campus July 18 between 5:00 pm and 7:15 pm at the SLUB Makerspace in the DrePunct Library (Zellescher Weg 17). Everyone is welcome to come by for free repair advice and support. Here you will receive support from the RepairCafé Dresden/ Freital Initiative’s volunteers as well as SLUB employees who are on hand for advice and assistance with equipment from 3D printers to sewing machines.This is also a café as well as space for making repairs, where visitors to the RepairCafés can get to know each other over coffee and cake.You can register for the RepairCafé online at or at the Green Office of TU Dresden at 0351/463-33037.
Published on Fri, 30 Jun 2023 in NEWS
Am 30.6.2023 ist es wieder soweit - die ganze Stadt ist auf den Beinen, um der Dresdner Wissenschaft auf die Finger, durchs Mikroskop und hinter die Labortür zu schauen :-)Im cfaed begegnen sich Wissenschaften unterschiedlicher Disziplinen - bei der Dresdner Langen Nacht der Wissenschaften 2023 gibt es DIE Gelegenheit, einen Eindruck von den vielfältigen Forschungsbereichen am Cluster zu bekommen! Von den Dynamiken der Netzwerke über die organische Elektronik, winzige Maschinen aus Molekülen bis hin zum Sprung in die wunderbare Welt der Nanostrukturen: Hier lauert (neues) Wissen hinter jeder Ecke! Wir erwarten euch auf dem Kerncampus der TU Dresden, im Barkhausenbau!
Read more … Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2023 am cfaed
Published on Fri, 23 Jun 2023 in NEWS
We have a vacant position as a Research Associate / Postdoch at the Chair of Network Dynamics. The position is focusing on basic research on the nonlinear dynamics of complex systems and networks. Tasks: research on collective dynamical phenomena of complex systems and networks; teaching introductory material of applied mathematics (for physics students), mathematical modeling and statistical physics; support of grant proposals, establishing and executing collaborative research.
Please see the full job advertisement! Closing date for applications: 14 July 2023
Published on Fri, 02 Jun 2023 in NEWS
cfaed Associated Member Prof. Christine Baier, as well as her co-authors Prof. Boudewijn R. Haverkort, Prof. Holger Hermanns, and Prof. Joost-Pieter Katoen were awarded the 2023 Jean-Claude Laprie Award for their paper "Model-Checking Algorithms for Continuous Markov Chains". The paper, published in IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2003, presents a unifying theory and algorithm to evaluate a wide variety of performance and dependability measures for continuous-time Markov chain models. The proposed approach inspired many researchers and provided a theoretical foundation for various model-checking tools, including GreatSPN, PRISM, STORM, and COMPASS.
Published on Tue, 30 May 2023 in NEWS
Infineon Technologies Dresden GmbH & Co. KG and Dresden University of Technology (TUD) have entered a strategic cooperation agreement, further expanding their long-standing collaboration.
By placing their signatures on the agreement at a ceremony being held today, Raik Brettschneider, Vice President & Managing Director of Infineon Dresden, Thomas May, Senior Director Procurement of Infineon Dresden, Prof. Ursula M. Staudinger, Rector of TUD and Jan Gerken, Chancellor of TUD, will pave the way for a lasting, trusting, equitable and comprehensive strategic partnership in research, teaching, innovation, continuing education, internationalization, recruiting and university marketing, and promote social dialog surrounding technological developments. The close cooperation strives to promote and strengthen the positions of both partner organizations in the long term, both domestically and internationally.
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