- Silicon Nanowire Path
- Carbon Path
- Organic / Polymer Path
- Biomolecular-Assembled Circuits
- Chemical Information Processing Path
- Orchestration Path
- Resilience Path
- CRC 912 (HAEC)
- Biological Systems Path
Micromotors Summer School - Welcome!
TUD's Freigeist group from Physical Chemistry joined with the cfaed Biological Algorithms Group are organizing a summer school on microswimmers in 2017!
In the past 5 years, artificial microswimmers that move autonomously like living creatures became the subject of a vibrant research field, with new experimental methods for fabrication and directional control developed at a fast pace, promising novel technical applications.
This summer school will be devoted to an active exchange of knowledge in the area of fabrication, observation, manipulation, simulation and application of different kinds of microswimmers. This will include an unusual format combining lab trainings and theoretical fundamentals. In fact, this will be the first international summer school on the emerging field of microswimmers that combines hands-on practical education in the lab with theory lectures on motion at the microscale. This format will benefit interdisciplanary researchers and enhance communication skills across disciplines.
In addition to the scientific part, this summer school is intended as key networking event that will define future cooperations and spark future joint activities within Dresden and international collaboration partners. The social program and activities will give insights into everyday life in one of the most beautiful German cities and allow excursions to the naturally unique surroundings.
Target group: PhD students, Postdocs and Researchers
Travel grants are available.
Date & Location