Published on Mon, 20 Nov 2023 in NEWS
Am 27./28.02.2024 kommen Vertreter:innen der Mikroelektronikforschung deutscher Hochschulen und Industrie in Dresden zusammen, um gemeinsam Tendenzen, Chancen und Herausforderungen in der Nachwuchsförderung zu diskutieren. Der ForLab-Verbund nutzt die Fachtagung, um die Bedeutung der Vernetzung von Hochschulen mit Fokus auf Mikroelektronik-Forschung sowie die Ausbildung von hochqualifizierten Fachkräften für die Halbleiterindustrie hervorzuheben. Akteure aus Forschung und Industrie werden zusammenkommen, um Bedarfe und Ideen für künftige Entwicklungen zu ermitteln und Synergiepotenziale auszuloten. Geförderte Projekte für Fachkräfteausbildung im Bereich Mikroelektronik werden vorgestellt und weitere mögliche Maßnahmen mit der Politik und Wirtschaft diskutiert.
Published on Thu, 16 Nov 2023 in PRESS RELEASES
[Based on a press release from TU Dresden, edited and shortened]
Once again, TU Dresden has been able to prove the quality of its research: Nine researchers working directly at TUD and two researchers stating TUD as their second affiliation are among the world's most cited researchers. This year, there are 6,849 researchers on the list of “Highly Cited Researchers” (HCR). Based on the number of citations, they are the world’s most influential researchers. Amongst these, 336 are researchers working in Germany. With eleven researchers entering the list, TUD is again one of the most highly represented institutions worldwide. Only 238 researchers worldwide are listed as “Highly Cited” in two different subject areas – including Prof. Xinliang Feng from TU Dresden in the fields of chemistry and materials science. Four researchers from this list are connected to cfaed (members and Associated Members).
Read more … Eleven TU Dresden researchers amongst the most cited worldwide - four of them connected to cfaed
Published on Thu, 26 Oct 2023 in PRESS RELEASES
[Press release by TU Dresden]
A newly funded ERC Synergy proposal unveils a groundbreaking bio-inspired vision for future smart wireless multimodal sensory systems.The European Research Council has announced today that the project SWIMS, Stochastic Spiking Wireless Multimodal Sensory Systems, will be funded at EUR 13.5 million under the Synergy program. The project proposes a veritable paradigm shift in the architecture, design, and hardware of future smart wireless multimodal sensory systems. The project is made possible by the synergistic efforts of four distinguished scientific leaders: Professor Gerhard P. Fettweis (TU Dresden), Professor Denis Flandre (UC Louvain), Professor Adrian Ionescu (EPFL), and Professor Elisabetta Chicca (Uni Groningen).
Read more … An Internet of Things Inspired by Nature - ERC Synergy Grant for Prof Gerhard Fettweis
Published on Wed, 18 Oct 2023 in NEWS
Statement of TU Dresden:We are appalled by the terrorist attack on Israel and condemn the inhuman violence in the strongest terms possible. Violence is never part of the solution - it only propagates endless suffering and destruction.
We would like to assure our friends and partners in Israel: We stand with you in solidarity. Our deepest condolences go out to all people in the region who have lost relatives and friends, or who are left to fear for the lives of their loved ones. Our thoughts are also with our students and researchers in and from Israel, who are suffering the repercussions of terror. We sincerely hope that diplomatic solutions will be found that will allow the region to live securely and peacefully.
Read more … Solidarity with the Victims of Terror in Israel
Published on Wed, 27 Sep 2023 in NEWS
[News release from Cluster of Excellence 'Physics of Life' - PoL]
How do primary cilia act as signaling hubs to shape healthy tissues? This is what the newly selected DFG research groups aims to to unravel. The two PoL members, Benjamin Friedrich and Anne Grapin-Botton, are part of it.
Different levels of primary cilia dynamics controlling tissue development and function.
The members of the Cluster of Excellence Physics of Life (PoL), Prof. Dr. Benjamin Friedrich and Associate Member Dr. Anne Grapin-Botton, who serves as the Director of the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics (MPI-CBG), are part of the newly funded DFG research group, announced on September 22nd: "Deciphering the role of primary cilia dynamics in tissue organization and function". This team consists of 12 outstanding scientists scattered across Germany, led by Prof. Dr. Jay Gopalakrishnan from Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf and Prof. Dr. Dagmar Wachten from Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn.
Read more … Two PoL members are in the newly selected DFG research units
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