cfaed Scientific Image Contest Winners and selection 2023
From Science To Art!
Thanks a lot again for your wonderful, stunning entries – you made us very happy. Every single picture was great! We had the difficult task of choosing the winners – and now we can finally announce the winners (in alphabetic order):
Antje Werner (dcn – Dresden Center for Nanoanlysis / Rellinghaus): ‘Other structures at the transition’
Florian Arnold (Chair of Theoretical Chemistry / Heine): ‘Twisted Domains’
Andrés Guerrero (Emerging Electronic Technologies Group/Vaynzof): ‘Trypanophobia’
Oscar Telschow (Emerging Electronic Technologies Group/Vaynzof): ‘Breaking boundaries, so the ice doesn’t’
Alireza Ghasemifard (Chair of Theoretical Chemistry / Heine): ‘Corrugation dark bc’
Suchetanan Sarkar (Single Molecule Machines Group / Moresco): ‘Meteo shower’
Friedrich Dürrenmatt, famous Swiss author and dramatist once said: "In science, there is the unity, in art the diversity of the mystery we call the world."
And that is indeed true. Science and art seem to be two highly complex, but fascinating counterparts. This contrast creates unimagined new perspectives on both scientific as well as artistic content.That is why we introduced the Scientific Image Contest that became a very successful and enlightening tradition in the past years.
A small selection of pictures from the 2023 volume:
Pictures by: 1 - Antje Werner, 2-3 - Kelly Henze, 4 - Markus Löffler, 5 - Suchetana Sarkar, 6-7 - Alireza Ghasemifard, 8 - Florian Arnold, 9 - Rico Friedrich, 10-11 - Kwan Ho Au-Yeung, 12-3 - Andrés Guerrero, 14 - Oscar Telchow, 15 - Andrei Mitrofanov, 16 - Nadia Metzkow, 17 - Cigdem Cakirlar, 18 - Pritam Roy