Published on Fri, 30 Jan 2015 in NEWS
cfaed Research Group Leader Dr. Martin Claus was invited by the Purdue University (Indiana, USA) to give two lectures on his current research projects. These lectures took place in November, 2014 and were published now at We invite you to watch (and share!) the full talks including video and presentation slides on the topics as follows:
Dr. Martin Claus is leading the Device Modeling Group for Emerging Electronics at cfaed.
Published on Tue, 27 Jan 2015 in NEWS
This event will be a joint lecture of Prof. Jeronimo Castrillon and Prof. Thorsten Strufe, who is professor for Privacy and Security at Technische Universität Dresden. His contribution is titled "Privacy vs. Surveillance and Censorship in Online Services".
The inaugural lectures will be followed by a small reception.Venue: Andreas Pfitzmann Building, room E023Click here to see full information and abstracts
Published on Wed, 14 Jan 2015 in NEWS
Liebe Studieninteressierte, morgen findet der große UNI LIVE Event an der TU Dresden statt.. Ihr könnt Euch einen Tag lang schon mal wie ein Student fühlen und unzählige Lehrveranstaltungen besuchen. Wir haben mal geschaut, wo überall die Forscher unseres Exzellenzclusters beteiligt sind - die Liste ist ganz schön lang geworden:
Read more … UNI LIVE: Viele Forscher des Exzellenzclusters cfaed beteiligt
Published on Fri, 09 Jan 2015 in NEWS
In response to the "Pegida Walks", the Saxon Minister-President Stanislaw Tillich and Dresden's First Mayor Helma Orosz ask all Dresdeners to gather and send out a strong sign:
An outward-looking attitude is what discerns Dresdeners and Saxons. Saxony’s success and its cultural and business achievement have been engineered by proud citizens of our country who work alongside immigrants from all over the world. Many of them have made Saxony their new home, sharing in our language and culture.
Read more … Call to Action: Stand up for Dresden and Saxony – for an open-minded community and a constructive civic dialogue!
Published on Thu, 08 Jan 2015 in NEWS
On 18 December 2014, Dr. Sascha Hermann received the Research Award of the Fraunhofer Institute for Electronic Nano Systems (ENAS) in recognition of his outstanding achievements in the field of wafer level integration of carbon nanotubes (CNTs). Dr. Sascha Hermann is the leader of cfaed's research group "Carbon Nanotube Integration and Applications" and works at the Center for Microtechnologies at the Chemnitz University of Technology.
See full press release (in German language)
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