SMM Group News

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The C’NANO Conference 2021 will take place in Toulouse from 23 to 25 November 2021 with a MEMO satellite workshop entitled "Single molecule mechanics on a surface: gears, motors and cars". On 23 November 2021, 6pm all the Nanocar Race II teams officially registered will present their first molecule-car prototype to the public. Follow their presentations life via YouTube! Prior to the general presentation, the MEMO project coordinator Dr. Francesca Moresco from cfaed (Single Molecule Machines Group, TU Dresden - cfaed, Germany) will give a talk on “Mechanics with molecules: motors and gears working under the STM tip”.

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We have a vacant Research Associate / PhD Position in the field of on-surface synthesis and investigation of functional molecules by scanning tunneling microscopy at low temperature. For more information follow this link!

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Congratulations to Frank Eisenhut, who defended on July 11, 2019 his PhD thesis!

Title: “STM investigation of model systems for atomic and molecular scale electronics”


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Kwan Ho Au Yeung joined the Single Molecule Machines group as PhD student at the end of September 2019. He will work on the development of single molecule machines and gears.


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Tim Kühne (first from left) won the second prize at the IHRS NanoNet international conference ( with the poster: “Transmitting rotation between molecular gears on Au(111)”

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Flyer Focus Session

March 15-20, 2020

DPG Spring Meeting of the Condensed Matter Section in Dresden

Download Flyer (pdf in attachment)


Abstract submission deadline: December 1, 2019

Conference website:

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group photo of defence of dmitry skidin

Congratulations to Dmitry Skidin, who defended on April 12, 2019 his PhD thesis!

Title: On-surface Fabrication of Functional Molecular Nanomaterials