Chair News

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Like many other events in the recent past, the Embedded Systems Week took place virtually this year. Asif and Jeronimo represented the Chair for Compiler Construction where Asif also presented his work on "Polyhedral Compilation for Racetrack Memories" at the co-located International Conference on Compilers, Architecture, and Synthesis for Embedded Systems (CASES'20). In this paper, Asif presented a polyhedral compiler that generates efficient code for Racetrack Memories. This is joint work with Tobias Grosser and Torsten Hoefler from ETH Zurich, the place where Asif performed part of this work during his stay from Oct 2019 to Jan 2020. The visit was sponsored by a HiPEAC collaboration grant 2019.

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After a long time attending only virtual events, several members of the CC Chair attended the hybrid Forum on specification & Design Languages (FDL) in September 2020. Alex, Andres, Christian and Jeronimo participated in the conference, having contributed to two papers and organised a special session. Christian was a co-author of the paper “A Language for Deterministic Coordination Across Multiple Timelines” which was presented remotely by the lead author Marten Lohstroh from UC Berkley. The paper was nominated for best paper award, but was unfortunately not selected. Maybe next time. Alex presented a paper he co-authored with Andres that introduces ”ComPy-Learn: A Toolbox for Exploring Machine Learning Representations for Compilers”. This paper was one of four contributions to a special session on machine learning for programming languages and compilers.

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We were very happy to have Tobias Grosser as guest for the past two days (11.08.-12.08). Tobias is an associate professor in the School of Informatics at the University of Edinburgh and a member of the Edinburgh Compiler and Architecture Design Group. At the CCC he had several (socially distant) exchanges with members of the groups exchanging ideas on optimizing compilers and intermediate representations. Tobias also gave a talk with several physical (and distant, cf. picture) and virtual attendees. He talked about a multi-level intermediate representation for hardware description languages, reporting on a recent PLDI publication. 


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Dylan Gageot is currently pursuing an engineering degree in electronics and computer engineering with the National Institute of Applied Sciences in Rennes (INSA). Since 2019, he works with the Institute of Electronics and Telecommunications of Rennes (IETR). His research interests focus on Models of Computation and complexity reduction techniques that ease their implementation on MPSoCs. In his internship, planned for 3 months, he will work on compiler-runtime interaction for adaptable execution of Kahn Process Networks with implicit data-level parallelism. Robert Khasanov will be helping him as an advisor.

Omar Romdhani is currently following a double degree curriculum in Computer Science Engineering and pursuing a Master of Science at the National School of Computer Science (ENSI) in Tunisia. During his research stay at the Chair for Compiler Construction, planned for 5 months, Omar will work in a project entitled "Engineering Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet of Things (EngCPS&IoT)", supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). He will be studying and benchmarking adaptive and parameterized dynamic dataflow models such as SADF. The research stay is a collaboration between ENSI with Prof. Chadlia Jerad from the University of Manouba, and the CC chair at TU Dresden. Hasna Bouraoui will be helping him as an advisor.

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With three presentations and two best paper nominations, the chair for compiler construction was well represented at this year's virtual DATE conference. Asif Ali Khan presented his work on Generalized Data Placement Strategies for Racetrack Memories . In this paper, Asif presents an efficient data placement heuristic for racetrack memories (RTM) which leads to a significant reduction in RTM shifts and ultimately improves performance and energy consumption.  Christian Menard presented the paper Achieving Determinism in Adaptive AUTOSAR which was nominated for best paper award in the A-Track. In this paper, Christian describes how a novel synchronous reactive programming model can be used to make the execution of future automotive software deterministic and thus overall more reliable. Robert Khasanov presented his work on Energy-efficient Runtime Resource Management for Adaptable Multi-application Mapping which was best paper award candidate in the E-Track. In this paper, Robert presents a new job scheduling algorithm for firm real-time multi-threaded applications, which generates mapping segments due to enlarged scope of analysis, and increase the overall energy-efficiency of the schedules. 

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We welcome a new research assistant at the Chair for Compiler Construction: Alex Brauckmann. Alex just received his Diploma degree on Computer Science from the TU Dresden. He has plenty of experience as software engineer and in large open source projects. Alex has worked at the CC chair as student research assistant and did his final thesis with us, resulting in a high-profile international publication at the  ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Compiler Construction (CC). At the CC Chair, Alex will continue to work on machine learning for compilers, building representation models of code and proposing novel predictive compiler heuristics among others. We are happy to have Alex with us and look forward to working with him in the next years. 

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Alex successfully presented his work on “Compiler-Based Graph Representations for Deep Learning Models of Code” at this year’s ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Compiler Construction (CC). CC is a excellent venue for presenting compiler research that became an ACM SIGPLAN conference for the first time this year. The work shows a novel deep learning method that improves predictive compiler heuristics. Alex has been working at the CC chair on applications of machine learning to compilers in the context of his final thesis. We are glad to count with Alex to continue this exciting line of research with us in the context of his doctorate. 

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We welcome Julian Robledo to Chair for Compiler Construction. Julian received his Bachelor degree in Electronic Engineering Computer Engineering (2015) from University of Antioquia (UdeA) in Medellín Colombia and his Master’s degree in Embedded Systems from the Polytechnic University of Turin in 2017 in Italy. After finishing his master’s program, Julian work in the automotive sector. At the CC Chair, Julian will work on a collaborative project on developing programming models and tools for future 5G communication standards and beyond. He will also contribute with his expertise in the automotive sector to running projects revolving around adaptive automotive applications (see here for instance). We are very glad to finally welcome Julian, after experiencing bureaucratic problems, and are looking forward to working with him.

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The Chair for Compiler Construction was well represented at this year's HiPEAC Conference in Bologna, Italy. The HiPEAC conference is a great networking oportunity and the premier European forum for experts in computer architecture, programming models, compilers and operating systems for embedded and general-purpose systems. Asif Ali Khan presented his ACM TACO paper ShiftsReduce: Minimizing Shifts in Racetrack Memory 4.0 in the main track. Christian Menard presented his work on Achieving Determinism in Adaptive AUTOSAR in the poster session on Monday and in the co-located workshop on "Energy Efficiency for Reactive and Adaptive Automotive Applications". This workshop was organized in a joint effort by the Chair for Compiler Construction together with SilexicaICE RWTH Aachen, and Videantis. Both researchers participated in the social event and many other conference sessions where they used the opportunity to exchange idead with like-minded researchers from around the world.

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Pirah Noor Soomro is visiting the Chair for Compiler Construction from January through March 2020. Her visit is supported by a Eurolab4HPC Grant that aims at improving the efficiency of tensor applications on heterogeneous platforms. A specific area of focus is the processing of tensors during the inference phase of state-of-the-art machine learning models, including deep neural networks, on heterogeneous multi-core CPUs. Pirah’s work at the Chair for Compiler Construction will build on the XiTAO runtime, which Pirah has previously been using in her work at her home institution, Chalmers University of Technology.