TRR404 Vacancies
The TRR404 offers a number of Research Associate/PhD student and Postdoc positions (m/f/x) at various locations starting from 1 April 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter.
Please follow the links to the individual adverts to find details on how to apply.
For questions regarding individual positions, please contact the respective supervisors directly.
Vacant positions at the involved institutions:
Position#1: TRR404-TUD-A04
Project: A04 3D Racetrack Memory Devices
Project Leader: Dr. Bernd Rellinghaus (Director, Dresden Center for Nanoanalysis)
Terms: 75 % of the full-time weekly hours.
Tasks: The PhD student will analyze magnetic structures and switching processes in novel racetrack memory devices and device elements by transmission electron microscopy using Lorentz-TEM, electron holography, DPC, and in-situ electrical transport measurements.
Requirements: Excellent university degree (master or comparable) in Physics. A strong background in solid state physics and knowledge of magnetism are required. Basic experience in experimental transmission electron microscopy is desired.
Link: Full advert and how to apply
Position#2: TRR404-TUD-A06
Project: A06 2D Field-Effect Transistors
Project Leader: Prof. Xinliang Feng (Chair for Molecular Functional Materials)
Terms: 75 % of the full-time weekly hours.
Tasks: The PhD student will assist to carry out the chemical vapor deposition growth experiments of two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenide crystals and related 2D hybrid materials and heterostructures, and support collaborations with the Lemme group at RWTH Aachen and other projects.
Requirements: Excellent university degree (master or comparable) in Chemistry or Materials Science.
Link: Full advert and how to apply
Position#3: TRR404-TUD-A07-PD
Project: A07 Vertical Perovskite Field-Effect Transistors
Project Leader: Prof. Yana Vaynzof (Chair of Emerging Electronic Technologies)
Terms: 100 % of the full-time weekly hours.*
Tasks: The postdoctoral researcher will perform the following research tasks: fabrication, characterization and optimization of devices and the study of their stability including experimental work, data analysis, preparation of reports, publications and dissemination of results.
Requirements: Excellent university degree (master or comparable) and doctorate in Physics or Electrical Engineering.
Link: Full advert and how to apply
Position#4: TRR404-TUD-B03
Project: B03 Reliability Assessment
Project Leader: Dr. Benjamin Max (Group Leader, Semiconductor Processes, Devices and Integration)
Terms: 100 % of the full-time weekly hours.*
Tasks: The PhD student will analyze the reliability behavior of emerging nanoelectronic devices. The focus will be on electrical characterization and reliability assessment of different technologies, processes and devices such as reconfigurable or 2D-material based transistors, or resistive switching memristors.
Requirements: Excellent university degree (master or comparable) in Physics or Electrical Engineering.
Link: Full advert and how to apply
Position#5: TRR404-TUD-B06
Project: B06 System Models, Architectures, and Application Mapping Tools
Project Leader: Prof. Jeronimo Castrillon (Chair of Compiler Construction)
Terms: 100 % of the full-time weekly hours.*
Tasks: The PhD student will be mostly in charge of modeling operations of emerging computing architectures, designing compiler abstractions, and working towards a programming framework for the 3D systems of the TRR404.
Requirements: Excellent university degree (Master's/ diploma degree or equivalent) in Computer Science, Mathematics, Electrical Engineering or a relevant area. Sound knowledge in C/C++ software development, experience in compilers (LLVM, MLIR) and automatic code optimization, knowledgeable in computer architecture.
Link: Full advert and how to apply
Position#6: TRR404-TUD-B07
Project: B07 Reconfigurable Architecture
Project Leader: Prof. Diana Göhringer (Chair of Adaptive Dynamic Systems)
Terms: 100 % of the full-time weekly hours.*
Tasks: The PhD student will be in charge of the modeling and simulation of 3D reconfigurable architectures (e.g., based on emerging technologies, e.g., RFETs, memristive devices) and the evaluation with e.g., machine learning and image processing benchmarks.
Requirements: Excellent university degree (master or comparable) in Computer Engineering or Electrical Engineering with a strong background in digital design, hardware description languages (e.g., Verilog, VHDL), and reconfigurable architectures (e.g., FPGA, CGRA).
Link: Full advert and how to apply
Position#7: TRR404-TUD-C01
Project: C01 3D Architecture Schemes and Processes
Project Leader: Prof. Thomas Mikolajick (Chair of Nanoelectronics)
Terms: 100 % of the full-time weekly hours.*
Tasks: The PhD student will carry out experiments in the Dresden cleanrooms regarding contact schemes for two-terminal devices and transistors, characterize the devices electrically, and support collaborations with all groups across the projects in close collaboration with colleagues at TUD and RWTH Aachen.
Requirements: Excellent university degree (master or comparable) in Electrical Engineering.
Link: Full advert and how to apply
Position#1: TRR404-RWTH-A06
Project: A06 2D Field-Effect Transistors
Project Leader: Prof. Max Lemme (Electronic Devices)
Terms: 100 % of the full-time weekly hours.*
Tasks: The PhD student will carry out device fabrication in the cleanroom using two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides, characterize the devices structurally and electrically, and support collaborations with the Feng group at TU Dresden and other projects.
Requirements: Excellent university degree (master or comparable) in Electrical Engineering, Physics, Nanotechnology or Material Science (or comparable).
Link: Full advert and how to apply (coming soon)
Position#2: TRR404-RWTH-A03-SI
Project: A03 3D Integration of Tailored PCMs
Project Leader: Prof. Sven Ingebrandt (Micro- and Nanosystems)
Terms: 100 % of the full-time weekly hours.*
Tasks: Your tasks include designing and developing a fabrication process for BEOL-compatible crossbar array Phase Change Memory (PCM). Then, you will characterize the PCM's performance in the array by evaluating the effects of contact resistance on the performance of the PCM devices within the overall array. This will involve assessing the impacts on neighboring devices and conducting reliability testing. Finally, you will develop integration processes to embed PCM with active devices, such as 2D transistors.
Requirements: Excellent university degree (master or comparable) in Physics, Material Sciences, or Electrical Engineering. Experience in clean room environments for micro- and nanofabrication, including electron beam lithography, PVD, RIE, and related technologies. Experience in semiconductor device and material characterization techniques, such as SEM, TEM, and electrical characterization. Language knowledge: English and German.
Link: Full advert and how to apply
Position#3: TRR404-RWTH-A03-MW
Project: A03 3D Integration of Tailored PCMs
Project Leader: Prof. Matthias Wuttig (Physics of New Materials)
Terms: 75 % of the full-time weekly hours.
Tasks: The PhD student will explore the impact of stoichiometry and film thickness on switching speed and resistivity.
Requirements: Excellent university degree (master or comparable) in Physics, Material Sciences, or Electrical Engineering. Experience in clean room work and device preparation and characterization. Language knowledge: English and German.
Link: Full advert and how to apply (coming soon)
Position#4: TRR404-RWTH-B01 (Advertisement Closed)
Project: B01 ECM-Type Devices as 3D Programmable Interconnects
Project Leader: Prof. Joachim Knoch (Semiconductor Electronics and Institute of Semiconductor Electronics)
Terms: 100 % of the full-time weekly hours.*
Tasks: The overarching goal of the project is to study experimentally the directed, three-dimensional growth of filamentary interconnects in ECM materials exploiting the bipolar effect. The doctoral researcher will develop appropriate processes for the fabrication of multielectrode samples for in situ and in operando studies of a directed, two-dimensional filament growth in ECM materials. This will be carried out in close collaboration with the Valov group at FZ Jülich that will provide the appropriate ECM materials. In addition, the doctoral researcher will fabricate multielectrode samples for 3D growth of filamentary interconnects, again in close collaboration with FZJ (design of the samples, interpretation of the results). Furthermore, the doctoral researcher will communicate the results with other partners of the TRR404 to facilitate the in situ and in operando experiments and will support the modeling activities.
Requirements: Excellent university degree (master or comparable) in Electrical Engineering, Material Science or Physics. Very good knowledge of nanotechnology/nanoelectronics/semiconductor fabrication is mandatory; practical experience of working in a clean room is a big plus.
Position#5: TRR404-RWTH-B07
Project: B07 Reconfigurable Architecture
Project Leader: Prof. Tobias Gemmeke (Integrated Digital Systems and Circuit Design)
Terms: 100 % of the full-time weekly hours.*
Tasks: The PhD student will establish reference algorithms suitable for 3D processing; design and optimize base processing elements; and model requirements and benefits of integrated systems with 3D integrated processing elements.
Requirements: Excellent university degree (master or comparable) in Electrical Engineering or Computer Engineering. Knowledge of digital design, EDA flow (Verilog, circuit simulation, layout, synthesis and P&R) is desirable.
Link: Full advert and how to apply (coming soon)
Position#6: TRR404-RWTH-C01
Project: C01 3D Architecture Schemes and Processes
Project Leader: Prof. Max Lemme (Electronic Devices)
Terms: 100 % of the full-time weekly hours.*
Tasks: The PhD student will carry out experiments in the Aachen clean rooms regarding contact schemes for two-terminal devices and transistors, characterize the devices electrically, and support collaborations with all groups across the projects.
Requirements: Excellent university degree (master or comparable) in Electrical Engineering, Physics, Nanotechnology or Material Science (or comparable).
Link: Full advert and how to apply (coming soon)
Position#7: TRR404-RWTH-C02
Project: C02 Hierarchical Device Simulation and Modeling
Project Leader: Prof. Christoph Jungemann (Theoretical Electrical Engineering)
Terms: 100 % of the full-time weekly hours.*
Tasks: The PhD student will develop a DD model for amorphous silicon nanowire and 2D material MOSFETs, evaluate and implement transport models, carry out inverse modeling, and generate data for compact modeling. Further tasks are the joint development of novel devices with other groups of the TRR Active-3D that fabricate the devices, and the interpretation of the measurements in collaboration with the experimental groups as well as the preparation of publications and participation in conferences.
Requirements: Excellent university degree (master or comparable) in Electrical Engineering, Physics or a related subject with good knowledge of semiconductor device physics, numerics, simulation experience, and software development.
Link: Full advert and how to apply
Position#1: TRR404-FZJ-A01
Project: A01 Co-Design of Area-Dependent VCM Cell Arrays and CMOS Circuits for In-Memory Computing
Project Leader: Prof. Regina Dittmann (Oxide Electronics, FZJ)
Terms: 75 % of the full-time weekly hours.
Tasks: The PhD student will grow and characterize oxide thin films and heterostructures at the EOC. The patterning of single devices and cross-bar arrays in the clean room facilities as well as the electrical characterization are further tasks as well as the co-integration into CMOS circuits designed at NaMLab (Dresden).
Requirements: Excellent university degree (master or comparable) in Physics, Material Science or Electrical Engineering. Profound knowledge on solid state physics, semiconductor physics, and fabrication technology.
Link: Full advert and how to apply
Position#2: TRR404-FZJ-B01
Project: B01 ECM-Type Devices as 3D Programmable Interconnects
Project Leader: Prof. Ilia Valov (Nanoelectrochemistry, FZJ)
Terms: 75 % of the full-time weekly hours.
Tasks: The doctoral researcher will be responsible for conducting studies to clarify the mechanism, filament dynamics, interactions, and material dependent device functionalities in redox-based electrochemical metallization cell (ECM/CBRAM) materials systems. He/she will select appropriate material system for cells working in “bipolar electrode” mode and their optimization. The work will be performed in close collaboration with the Knoch group at the RWTH Aachen. Integrated and as well 3D devices prepared at the RWTH will be studied at the FZJ to improve the performance and gain additional fundamental knowledge. The doctoral researcher will exchange with partners from other groups within the TRR and as well learning and performing various ex situ, in situ and in operando experiments.
Requirements: Excellent university degree (master or comparable) in Material Science, Physics, Chemistry or Electrical Engineering. Very good knowledge of nanotechnology/nanoelectronics/semiconductor fabrication is mandatory; practical experience of working in a clean room is a big plus.
Link: Full advert and how to apply (coming soon)
Position#3: TRR404-FZJ-B02
Project: B02 1T1R - 2D-FET and VCM-Device BEOL Integration
Project Leader: Dr. Susanne Hoffmann-Eifert (FZJ)
Terms: 75 % of the full-time weekly hours.
Tasks: The PhD student will focus on "Co-integration of nanoscale memristive devices with FETs form 2D-materials for neuromorphic computing applications"
Background: The reduction of chip size enables higher energy efficiency due to a reduction of line charging effects. This makes integration of functional blocks in the back-end-of-line (BEOL) extremely interesting. In the project, two partners, PGI-7 and AMO GmbH are working closely together on the realization of 1 transistor – 1 memristor (1T1R) elements or arrays for BEOL integration into advanced circuits. This work focuses on the fabrication of nanoscale memristive devices from metal oxide thin films by atomic layer deposition and co-integration with 2D-FETs from AMO. The experimental work covers device fabrication and mask set layout for the 1T1Rs, physical and chemical characterization of devices and interface reactions as well as full electrical characterization.
Requirements: Excellent university degree (master or comparable) in Physics, Electrical Engineering, or Material Science. Focus on semiconductor technology or nanotechnology; strong interest in experimental work; experience with programming in Python or Matlab.
Link: Full advert and how to apply
Position#4: TRR404-FZJ-C03
Project: C03 Materials at Work – Structure and Chemistry of Devices Under Operating Conditions
Project Leader: Prof. Regina Dittmann (Oxide Electronics, FZJ)
Terms: 75 % of the full-time weekly hours.
Tasks: Conduction of in-operando photoemission electron microscopy (PEEM) and transmission X-ray microscopy (TXM) experiments at FZ Jülich and at Synchrotron facilities. Development of device geometries suitable for PEEM and TXM analysis in cooperation with the other TRR projects. Data analysis and evaluation.
Requirements: Excellent university degree (master or comparable) in M.Sc. in Physics or Material Science. A deep background on solid state and semiconductor physics is expected. Experience with X-ray spectroscopy is advantageous.
Link: Full advert and how to apply
Position#1: TRR404-MPI-A04
Project: A04 3D Racetrack Memory Devices
Project Leader: Prof. Stuart Parkin (Director, MPI Microstructure Physics Halle)
Terms: 75 % of the full-time weekly hours.
Tasks: The PhD student will be responsible for the development and characterization of three-dimensional RTM devices, data analysis and evaluation. Publications and the completion of a PhD thesis are required.
Requirements: Excellent university degree (master or comparable) in Physics, Materials Science, or related fields.
Link: Full advert and how to apply (coming soon)
Position#1: TRR404-NamLab-A01
Project: A01 Co-Design of Area-Dependent VCM Cell Arrays and CMOS Circuits for In-Memory Computing
Project Leader: Dr. Stefan Slesazeck (Senior Scientist)
Terms: 100 % of the full-time weekly hours.*
Tasks: The PhD student will design CMOS circuits to operate the BEOL integrated memristive devices and carry out electrical characterization of devices and circuits as well as final testing of integrated hardware.
Requirements: Excellent university degree (master or comparable) in Electrical Engineering. Knowledge of circuit design and Cadence software.
Link: Full advert and how to apply
Position#2: TRR404-NamLab-A05
Project: A05 BEOL-Compatible 3D Reconfigurable Logic
Project Leader: Dr. Jens Trommer (Senior Scientist)
Terms: 100 % of the full-time weekly hours.*
Tasks: The doctoral researcher will develop processes and integration flow for BEOL-compatible RFETs. This will be carried out in the NaMLab clean room environment, but also in close collaboration with the researchers at RWTH Aachen. In addition, the doctoral researcher will characterize the fabricated devices and communicate with project partners regarding electrical results, modeling and circuit design activities etc.
Requirements: Excellent university degree (master or comparable) in Electrical Engineering or similar.
Link: Full advert and how to apply
Position#1: TRR404-RUB-B05-1
Project: B05 Joint Logic, Memory, and Routing Synthesis
Project Leader: Prof. Akash Kumar (Embedded Systems)
Terms: 100 % of the full-time weekly hours.*
Tasks: The PhD student will focus primarily on the front-end part of designing the standard-cells and developing the logic-synthesis algorithms for the novel devices being developed.
Requirements: Excellent university degree (master or comparable) in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering or Computer Engineering. Knowledge of programming and Electronic Design Automation algorithm.
Link: Full advert and how to apply
Position#2: TRR404-RUB-B05-2
Project: B05 Joint Logic, Memory, and Routing Synthesis
Project Leader: Prof. Akash Kumar (Embedded Systems)
Terms: 100 % of the full-time weekly hours.*
Tasks: The main task of the PhD student will be developing a 3D template for the circuit architecture and focusing on the physical design.
Requirements: Excellent university degree (master or comparable) in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering or Computer Engineering. Knowledge of programming and Electronic Design Automation algorithm.
Link: Full advert and how to apply
What you can expect from us:
- a varied and challenging research task, embedded in a friendly, inclusive and supportive team of the TRR’s Principal Investigators (i.e., project leaders and supervisors),
- we maintain an open and cooperative work attitude with maximum personal responsibility,
- mutual support with a solution-oriented approach,
- flexible working hours when possible,
- as a doctoral student you will be integrated in the TRR’s Graduate School; it will offer tailored educational programs and individual supervision agreements.
What we expect from you:
- above-average degree achieved in short study period,
- willingness and ability to think beyond the boundaries of your field, to act in an international and diverse environment and to live an open and constructive communication,
- strong analytic and problem-solving skills, creativity,
- an independent, target- and solution-driven work attitude,
- fluency in English, knowledge of German would be a plus (and is mandatory for some of the positions as specified).
* Balancing family and career is an important issue. The position is generally suitable for candidates seeking part-time employment. Please indicate your request in your application.