Visiting Research Stay Via cfaed INSPIRE Grant
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cfaed researcher Dr. Ihsan Amin, postdoc at the Chair of Macromolecular Chemistry / Prof. Rainer Jordan, was awarded an cfaed INSPIRE Grant within the 2014 call. This grant recently allowed him to realize a visiting research stay in the group of Prof. Christopher K. Ober, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA.
During his research stay in Cornell, Ihsan Amin worked on the development of a new method of polymerization which is called “Surface-initiated copper radical polymerization/Si-CuCRP”. This was first developed at the group of Prof. Jordan at TU Dresden. The Polymer brushes obtained from this method are used for the application in biosensors.
If you wish to learn more about our INSPIRE grant program, please get in touch with Susann or click here!