Published on Wed, 18 May 2016 in NEWS
The Saxon Minister of Science and Arts, Dr. Eva-Maria Stange, congratulates Dr. Markus Krötzsch for being awarded the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Prize 2016 for young researchers. Dr. Krötzsch is closely connected to cfaed, he is group leader within the HAEC research path. See the full press release of the State Ministry (from 17 May 2016):
Die sächsische Wissenschaftsministerin, Dr. Eva-Maria Stange, hat heute dem Historiker Dr. Christoph Lundgreen und dem Informatiker Dr. Markus Krötzsch, zwei Wissenschaftler der TU Dresden, zum Heinz Maier-Leibnitz-Preis 2016 gratuliert.
Dr. Stange: „Die beiden Forscher der TU Dresden erhalten morgen in Berlin den wichtigsten Preis für den wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs in Deutschland. Diese hohe Auszeichnung ist ein wichtiger persönlicher Erfolg für die beiden, aber auch ein großer Erfolg für die TU Dresden. Ich gratuliere den Wissenschaftlern herzlich für diese Anerkennung, die zugleich Ansporn ist, ihre wissenschaftliche Laufbahn fortzusetzen.“
Read more … Eva-Maria Stange congratulates Dr. Markus Kroetzsch
Published on Tue, 03 May 2016 in NEWS
On Monday, April 25, 2016 Prof. Xinliang Feng (cfaed Chair for Molecular Functional Materials) welcomed a delegation of 20 people from the Chinese Graphene Industrial Alliance (CGIA) in Dresden. A workshop on graphene and nanoscience was organized including the top scientific and industrial experts from TU Dresden, Leibniz Institute for Polymer Research Dresden (IPF), and Chinese representatives from industry and science. TUD’s vice-rector for research Prof. Gerhard Rödel held the welcoming speech and introduced the university to the guests from China.
Read more … Topical Workshop on Graphene and Nanoscience Held in Dresden
Published on Sat, 30 Apr 2016 in NEWS
The INSPIRE Grants Programme supports cfaed members who want to pass a research stay abroad. By the help of this programme, Dr. Artem Fediai (Carbon Path) stayed at King’s College in London from beginning of February 2016 until the beginning of April. His aim was to work on the integration of the ab initio quantum transport models developed within Carbon path with the free quantum chemistry simulation package CP2K. Read his short report about the British adventure:The campus I was visiting lies in the heart of London, the city of Westminster. In terms of physics, King’s College ancient traditions. It is famous, for instance, by James Maxwell who worked there and Peter Higgs, who was a King’s student. I was visiting the group of Prof. Lev Kantorovich, a condense matter physicist, who originally represents a famous Soviet school of physics. My main collaborator was Dr. Lianheng Tong who received his doctoral degree in physics from Cambridge University being at a bachelor level rather a pure mathematician. This combination of these qualifications of my hosts suited well the goal we were aimed at.
Read more … INSPIRE Grant Report: Dr. Artem Fediai
Published on Thu, 28 Apr 2016 in NEWS
We are proud to announce the inaugural lecture of cfaed Strategic Professor Akash Kumar (Chair for Processor Design)
29 April 2016, 15:00-17:00Andreas-Pfitzmann-Bau, Room E023, Nöthnitzer Str. 46 , 01187 DresdenAs the performance demands of applications (e.g., multimedia) are growing, multiple processing cores are integrated together to form multiprocessor systems. Energy minimization is a primary optimization objective for these systems. An emerging concern for designs at deep-submicron technology nodes (65nm and below) is the lifetime reliability, as escalating power density and hence temperature variation continues to accelerate wear-out leading to a growing prominence of device defects. As such, reliability and energy need to be incorporated in the multiprocessor design methodology. In this talk, Prof. Kumar will present a platform-based design methodology in order to minimize temperature-related wear-outs. Concepts of approximate computing and how they can be used to address the problems shown by emerging power-wall in modern systems will also be covered. The inaugural lecture will be followed by a small reception.
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Published on Fri, 22 Apr 2016 in NEWS
Congratulations to Dr. Marco Zimmerling, who was announced to receive the 2015 ACM SIGBED Paul Caspi Memorial Dissertation Award! The committee honors Dr. Zimmerling for his thesis "End-to-end Predictability and Efficiency in Low-power Wireless Networks", which he completed at ETH Zurich. Dr. Zimmerling has been leading cfaed's Networked Embedded Systems Group since November 2015.
The ACM SIGBED Paul Caspi Memorial Dissertation Award is given by the Special Interest Group on Embedded Systems (SIGBED) of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). ACM is the world's largest educational and scientific computing society. The award has been established in 2013 in memory of Dr. Paul Caspi (1944-2012). The award recognizes outstanding doctoral dissertations that significantly advance the state of the art in the science of embedded systems. The winner was selected by a committee, chaired by Prof. Wang Yi. Seven nominations for the award have been received from Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, and USA.
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