Chair News

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At this year International Conference on Compilers, Architecture, and Synthesis of Embedded Systems (CASES) during the  Embedded Systems Week in Hamburg, Hamid Farzaneh presented our joint work on “Architecture to compiler co-optimization for computation in resistive non-volatile memories” with the group of Prof. Mehdi Tahoori. His presentation, held on September 18, is based on a collaborative publication on challenges and opportunities of non-volatile memories that originates from the SPP 2377 project on Disruptive Memory Technologies. During the same week, Prof. Castrillon delivered the opening keynote at the Workshop on Compilers, Deployment, and Tooling for Edge AI (CODAI’23) on “Next-generation compilers for emerging systems”. Both events were well visited and, as usual, it was a great week for academic exchanges, and to meet friends and colleagues form the embedded systems community. At CASES, Prof. Castrillon was honoured with the CASES-2023 Outstanding Reviewer Award.

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Lars Schütze and Felix Suchert travelled to Seattle to attend the European Conference on Object Oriented Programming 2023 and attached workshops, hosted by the University of Washington. This year's installment was co-located with ISSTA and took place from the 17. to 21. July.
The conference is Europe's longest-standing annual Programming Language conference that brings together researchers from very different areas to discuss and share their ideas.
Lars presented their work "Towards Virtual Machine Support for Contextual Role-Oriented Programming Languages" in the workshop on Context-Oriented Programming and Advanced Modularity, which he also chaired and co-organized.
Felix presented their paper "ConDRust: Scalable Deterministic Concurrency from Verifiable Rust Programs" in the main conference, detailling how their approach can aid verification efforts in concurrent settings while achieving scalable deterministic performance. This work is of special concern in projects like EVEREST.
The work was also awarded the Distinguished Artifact Award for a very carefully prepared artifact submission.

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On July 9 2023, Prof. Castrillon gave the keynote address at the 2nd In-Memory Architectures and Computing Applications Workshop (iMACAW’23), co-located with the Design Automation Conference (DAC’23) in San Francisco, USA. In the keynote, Prof. Castrillon talked about “Programming abstractions for in and near-memory computing” where he talked about recent work on programming frameworks and compilers in the context of the SCADS.AI center, the SPP 2377 Disruptive Memory Technologies, the EVEREST EU Project and other projects at the CC Chair. The talk was well attended and was followed by lively panel with Prof. Onur Mutlu and Prof. Damien Querlioz. Big thanks to the event organizers Nima Taherinejad (TU Wien), Alberto Bosio (École Central de Lyon) and Deliang Fan (Arizona State University). 

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We are happy to host two visiting Ph.D. students this summer. Shaokai Lin is a Ph.D. student at the University of California, Berkeley, advised by Prof. Edward A. Lee and Prof. Sanjit Seshia. Shaokai will work with us, particularly Christian Menard, in the next two months on the LinguaFranca project. This will include work on formal verification of LF programs and static scheduling strategies. Caio Vieira, in turn, recently started his Ph.D. at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul under the supervision of Prof. Antonio Beck and was granted by the Brazilian CAPES-PRINT program for this research stay. Caio will work on hyperdimensional computing and in-memory computing systems in the context of the ScaDS.AI center together with João Paulo Cardoso de Lima, Hamid Farzaneh, and Dr.-Ing. Asif Ali Khan.

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Asif A. Khan was awarded the “3m5 Excellence Award – herausragende Dissertation” for his thesis “Design and Code Optimization for Systems with Next-generation Racetrack Memories”. Racetrack memories (RTMs) are an emerging type of memory with the potential to revolutionize computing systems by virtually removing the memory wall. Asif’s thesis contains a collection of outstanding innovative ideas, methods and tools to optimize systems with racetrack memories. His work on emerging memories, computer architectures and compilers has led to above 25 publications and several 3rd party-funded projects. Asif joined the CC Chair in 2017 and continues to work with us in his new role as Postdoc. The award was handed during this year's OUTPUT.DD science event. We are happy for Asif, congratulations! Photo credits: (c) 3m5.

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This year's International Symposium on Highly Efficient Accelerators and Reconfigurable Technologies (HEART) took place near Kyoto on June 15 and 16. This 13th installment of the event marked its return to in-person attendance after a long stretch of remote operation. HEART connects a closely knit community of both research and industry actors focused on spreading specialized computing hardware to more domains and larger scales. In this context, programmability and innovative models of compute are considered the greatest current obstacles. In line with these challenges, Karl F. A. Friebel presented their work "Base2: An IR for Binary Numeral Types", which takes aim at reconfigurable targets using MLIR.

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We are excited to share that the CC Chair took part once again in the annual Rewe Team Challenge with a total of 8 participants. This year, we formed two teams from our group: CCC-Ofast-run, a mixed team with Asif Ali Khan, Conny Okuma, Hamid Farzaneh, and Jerónimo Castrillón, and CCC-O3-run, an all-male team featuring Chris Okuma, Clément Fournier, João Paulo Cardoso de Lima, and Robert Khasanov. Thanks to the regular training sessions over the past few months, each participant achieved his/her personal records and milestones. Bring on the next challenge!


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The CC chair hosted the first thematic workshop on computation-in-memory (CIM) and computation-near-memory (CNM) with great enthusiasm as part of the DFG special priority program on disruptive memory technologies (SPP2377). The workshop featured more than 25 experts and researchers from all across Germany, including a keynote speech by Prof. Thomas Mikolajick and participants from TU Dresden, FAU, KIT, TU Dortmund, TU Ilmenau, and the University of Osnabrück.

The CC Chair was represented by Jeronimo Castrillon, Asif Ali Khan, Hamid Farzaneh, and João Paulo Cardoso de Lima. Besides taking care of the organization, the CC team members presented their recent work on compilation for heterogeneous CIM and CNM systems in the context of their HetCIM project. In total, six presentations packed with lively discussions and knowledge-sharing sessions made the event a memorable experience for all participants.

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It was a great week for compilers and computer architecture in Montreal during the cluster of conferences CC/CGO/HPCA/PPoPP, February 25 - March 1, 2023. Prof. Castrillon gave an overview of research topics for energy-efficient computing at the 1st Workshop on NetZero Carbon Computing (NetZero'23) on Saturday (25.02.). The workshop included insightful talks from experts on sustainable computing, an important line of research for the CC chair. Our highlight of the week was the presentation by Carlos Escuin in a collaborative work with Asif Khan with the title “Compression-Aware and Performance-Efficient Insertion Policies for Long-Lasting Hybrid LLCs”, on the first day of the the 29th IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA'23). Carlos talk was well visited and spawned great discussions. 

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In 2023, Europe's annual industry and research forum HiPEAC entered its 7th phase. This year's HiPEAC Conference took place in Toulouse between January 16-18. Under the new focus of the HiPEAC project, High Performance Edge and Cloud Computing, the CC Chair represented some of its projects at different events.