Cloud & Heat Dissertationspreis for Andrés Goens!
Andrés Goens, a former member of the CC Chair (2014-2021), has been awarded the “Cloud & Heat Dissertationspreis” for his thesis “Improving Model-based Software Synthesis”. Andrés’ thesis encompasses much of his work at the CC Chair, including 25 different co-authored publications during his PhD research time at the chair. As the title suggests, it deals with model-based software synthesis, one of the main areas of research at our chair. The Cloud & Heat prize is awarded to outstanding doctoral dissertation work at TU Dresden. Andrés is now at the University of Edinbugh, in Scotland, where he works on verification and interactive theorem proving, focusing on the Lean theorem prover, hardware description languages and weak memory models. He couldn't join us during this year's OUTPUT.DD science event in person, so we had to improvise a picture. We are happy for Andrés, congratulations!